Resources & Templates

Check out these resources and templates for further learning and for supporting evidence to your submission.


Download Toolkit:

We want to prepare ourselves and our communities to participate in this historic process, so we created this toolkit and site!

Advocacy and Media Strategy

The toolkit has a section on steps, tips, and tricks to build an advocacy campaign and media strategy. Download the Toolkit and check out Section 7.

This section will show you how to: 

An overview of community oral hearing testimonies from right to housing organizations who participated in the first review panel.

How to use this tool: You can reference this document for context when preparing for your own written and oral testimony. This document contains the themes and arguments presented by organizations like: The Shift; Canadian Centre for Housing Rights; National Right to Housing Network / WNHHN, and more.

A guide to support organizations and rights claimants in incorporating human rights language in their written submissions to the review panel.

How to use this tool: You can refer to this guide as you are drafting written submissions to better infuse human rights language and framing. If you have not engaged with rights-based frameworks before, this can help you use human rights-based language to strengthen your arguments and recommendations. It also explains key terms, concepts, and principles of international human rights law.

If you are a tenant in Ontario, and need support in housing stabilization or legal services, you can access resources here:
For a guide to understanding laws around accessibility of housing for tenants, you can access this resource from CCHR:
Advocating for yourself as a renter is complex, and this resource can help renters in Ontario know what to do, who to call, and what your rights are:
This resource shares tips on creating a submission to the Federal Housing Advocate to document rights violations you or your community are facing:
