National Housing Council announces new Review Panel on women & gender-diverse homelessness

September 4, 2024

On Sept 4, National Housing Council publicly announced their intent to proceed with the review panel on Canada’s failure to eliminate homelessness amongst women and gender-diverse people!


The National Indigenous Women’s Housing Network and the Women’s National Housing and Homelessness Network welcome the exciting news that the National Housing Council released a notice of intent on September 4 establishing its new review panel.

The Panel on the Failure to Prevent and Eliminate Homelessness amongst Women and Gender-Diverse People has three appointed members who will lead the review:

  • Sylvia Maracle (Skonaganleh:ra) is a 2Spirited Mohawk, Wolf Clan member from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territories. Sylvia has worked with Indigenous Friendship Centres since 1975. She has been the Executive Director of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres for 41 years. She will be Chair of the panel.
  • Pamela Glode Desrochers has worked with the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre for over 28 years and has been Executive Director for over 12 years.
  • Marie Pascaline Menono is a social worker specializing in intersectional Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) and human rights. She is a feminist activist who advocates for women’s rights and promotes the right to housing for all.

The WNHHN and NIWHN applaud the diverse expertise panelists bring to this critical human rights issue and are looking forward to working alongside and under the guidance of the three Review Panel members to collect evidence and testimony on this critical human rights issue.

The review panel will include written and oral hearings to hear directly from the public, particularly members of communities that are affected by the issue and groups that have expertise in human rights and housing. Grounded in a human rights-based approach, hearings are intended to create space for the public to share their experience of the systemic issue with the review panel and how it affects them, including its impact on their dignity and well-being, and the right to adequate housing. Based on the evidence presented during the hearings, the review panel will prepare a report to the Minister responsible for the NHS Act (Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities) with their opinion on the issue and recommendations to take measures to address the issue and advance the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing in Canada, as recognized under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

To allow the public to participate in this process, more information on the written and oral hearings will be published on the National Housing Council website.

Stay tuned for updates from the Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network and National Indigenous Women’s Housing Network!


On June 14, 2022, the Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network (WNHHN) and the National Indigenous Women’s Housing Network (NIWHN) submitted two Human Rights Claims to the Federal Housing Advocate. The claims spotlight violations of the right to housing experienced by marginalized women and gender-diverse people across the country, calling for immediate action.

On May 11, 2023, the Federal Housing Advocate asked the National Housing Council to establish a review panel on a systemic housing issue, pursuant to Section 13.1 (2) of the National Housing Strategy Act.

On March 7, 2024, the Council passed a motion to proceed with the review panel as requested by the Federal Housing Advocate, pursuant to Section 16.1 of the NHS Act. Members of the review panel were appointed by the Council based on their experience, knowledge, and interest related to the issue, pursuant to Section 16.2 (2) of the NHS Act.

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